Apex 15 Dual Element Wing

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Product Overview

Our new Apex 15 Dual Element Wing produces massive downforce. A highly optimized (for a very low drag coefficient) Dual Element design that was developed by a current F1 aerodynamicist for all out performance. Intended for unlimited classes that need maximum downforce. They can be made in spans up to 72" wide and upright spacing is customizable. We strongly recommend that this wing be mounted to the chassis of the vehicle. This is a serious wing; please contact us if you need assistance with your application. The wing comes with a light weight UV protective clear coat. Be sure to check the box for Top Mounts if you want a swan neck setup and make a note in checkout for span and upright spacing. This is the wing only. The wing comes with a hole template for those building their own uprights. 

Wing Data (right click to enlarge):
